Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sara means "princess"

I have come to this conclusion:  God has a healthy sense of humor. 

Otherwise, why in the world would he have given me such a girly-girl.  Here's how I have come to this conclusion:

While driving Sara and Hayden to their cousin's 9 year Birthday party, this is how the conversation went:
Sara: "Mom. is this party only for the kids?"
Sara: "okay.  this is going to be SO FUN!"
Mom: "yep."
Sara: " Mom, what is your phone number?"
Mom: " it's (gives phone number)."
Sara: "okay. Mom, we'll call you when the party is over.  I need your cell phone."
Mom: "I know what time I need to pick you up.  You won't need to call me."
Sara: "No Mom.  I need your phone in case I need to call you from the party."
Mom: "Sara, you're not getting my cell phone.  You can use Heather's phone if you need to call me."
Sara: "Fine."

I am in so much trouble if my 4 year old is already asking for a CELL PHONE! 

To add to the looming threat of cell phones, Sara has asked for the following Christmas presents this year from Santa:  Makeup, lip gloss, a new dress, a new skirt, a purse and a Moxie doll.  NONE of these would have been on my own list when I was 4.

I think I will have to defer my daughter to my Sisters once it comes to makeup advise... I'm no help there!

For all of these frightening (for me) developments, I wouldn't trade her for the world!

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